8 Free Blogging Platforms Beginners

8 Free Blogging Platforms For Beginners

For beginners, there are many blogging platforms to use. Some are paid platform and some are free of cost. As due to human nature newbie have the curiosity to know about free blogging platforms.

In today’s world of the blogging, beginners have many free blogging platforms to use. Many choices are there by which newbies can handle their blog.

People are thinking as if something is free then it would be not that much effective and beneficial. I agree but in the field of blogging, you are provided with many platforms to blog which are used by million of bloggers nowadays.

There are many dramatic features provided by these free blogging platforms. Here are some platforms of which you should have some idea.

Some Free Blogging Platforms:

  1. WordPress.com (fully hosted free blogging platform) :- As I have explained about WordPress.com in my previous post. It is a free blogging platform by which you can start your blog just by making your account at WordPress.com free of cost. The users don’t need to pay for any kind of hosting WordPress itself provides the space for you to write posts. You are provided with many features including daily backup, security, many free WordPress themes and many other essential features which can help the user to do free blogging. WordPress.com is user-friendly as it doesn’t require any technical knowledge to use it. Beginners can easily handle it.

  2. Blogger (A Google Owned Free Blogging Platform):- It is the blogging platform owned by Giant Google itself. As I have explained in my earlier post about the concept of blogspot and blogger. The user can simply sign up at blogger.com and here you go to the blog. You can write posts in it and rest is taken care by Google itself. The client doesn’t need to worry about SEO, security, indexing. Everything is under Google’s eye. Being managed by Google you will get benefits of many other features.
  3. Tumblr:- It is another blogging platform which is not specifically for the users who want to become a full-time blogger. Tumblr is the micro blogging platform at which you can share short posts, images, videos, chat etc. It also acts as a social networking platform. Tumblr gives you the opportunity to retweet any post if you want to share anyone’s post. There are millions of people who use Tumblr. Remember that Tumblr is not to write big posts, it is just for small part of the post.
  4. Joomla:- It is also a famous free Content Management System (CMS) that allows you to create a well-organized website your own. The user can have the full control over the functionality and customization of his/her website. It is written in PHP and many hosting claims to install Joomla on their server.There are many extensions for Joomla which provides an opportunity to extend the functionality of your website.
  5. Weebly:- It is a free website building tool which allows you to build a website and Weebly itself is responsible for hosting of your website. It is the famous free blogging platform nowadays. It provides you to do free blogging. The user doesn’t need to install anything on the computer. All they need to have the internet connection. The users can sign up with Weebly and you can start your blog. It provides you the drag and drop service by which you don’t have any restrictions as where to drop your posts or how and where to customize your blog. It seems suspicious for newbies, but there is nothing to panic about. Weebly is safe, free from spammers and it is SEO friendly too. Though Weebly is not an appropriate platform for strong blogging website but it is good for small business needs. There are many free templates for your Weebly’s website. You can customize your blog by approaching many third party websites which provide themes for the customization of your blog.
  6. Xanga:- It is the website which hosts weblogs, photoblogs, social networking profiles. Nowadays Xanga is famous in social blogging websites. It allows the users to make friend’s list. Users can create a mini-blog and keep connected with their friends. The striking point of Xanga is its participation in social networking which helps beginners to connect with many minded bloggers. It is the platform for newbies who want to take part in a social network to get popularity through their blog.
  7. Squarespace:- It is also another competitor of WordPress as it is also a Content Management System (CMS). Squarespace is a website builder provides blogging platform and web hosting to millions of website on the web. When you sign up with it then you are provided with many beautiful templates to start your blog. Squarespace is supporting E-commerce too which was lacking initially.It includes many categories like blogs, photography etc. It is not free but you can easily afford it.

8.Yola:- Yola is another website builder and web hosting website. It allows users with minor knowledge of HTML to build their website. You can create 5 websites with your free account. It is also a free blogging platform for beginners. It also provides a feature of drag and drop by which beginners can manage the widgets without having knowledge of HTML.

For Which Free Blogging Platform You Should Go?

There are many different types of free blogging platforms described above. Every blogging platform provides you some specific features which may help you to build your website more efficiently.

Every website who allows you to set up your blog at their server provides you full security and many other features consisting SEO and indexing of the posts. I just want to say that go for that free blogging platform which can satisfy your needs, at which you can trust.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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